Om avsnittet
Beat Bachs is a Fayetteville-based DJ and jack of all trades. He’s been active in radio for 16 years and counting with a few different projects, namely the film industry talkshow The Drive-in Speakerbox. That show got its start as a spotlight on film scores (and still incorporates film score material between talk segments). Beat Bachs, who goes by The Boom Operator on the show, has been amassing a gigantic collection of scores over the past decade for the show. He was kind enough to pour over this entire archive and pick out the quietest, dreamiest pieces he could find for Gentle Daps XV. For more of Beat Bachs’ projects, check out Art Amiss, a local art collective of which he’s the president.
Senaste avsnitten
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Gentle Daps XXVI: Speed Zen
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ANNOUNCEMENT: Music to Send Nudes By has moved to its own podcast
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Gentle Daps XXV: Guest Mix by Deejay Greenman
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Gentle Daps XXIV: Guest Mix by Deejay Greenman
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Gentle Daps XXI: Halloween Special
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Gentle Daps XX: Calming Music Recorded for Children and Babies
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