Let's Talk Autism - Special Spirit Ranch Executive Director Eva Lund and Author Dr. Wendela Marsh

Let's Talk Autism - Special Spirit Ranch Executive Director Eva Lund and Author Dr. Wendela Marsh


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Let's Talk Autism with Shannon & Nancy returns again this week with more autism news and guests! This week, Shannon and Nancy cover stories in the news about autism in the womb, studies using terms like "tainted kids" and companies that are seeking workers on the autism spectrum. After that, our hosts are joined by Eva Lund, the executive director of Special Spirit Ranch, before talking with Dr. Wendela Whitcomb Marsh about the difficulties of diagnosing women with autism and much more! Don't miss it! #FutureHorizons #Autism #AutismNews   Special Spirit Ranch Website www.specialspirit.org Dr. Wendela Marsh Links https://www.fhautism.com/ https://wendelawhitcombmarsh.com/ https://www.amazon.com/Recognizing-Autism-Women-Girls-hidden/dp/194917784X/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3BC6YML26QZEJ&keywords=recognizing+autism+in+women+and+girls&qid=1636569760&sprefix=recognizing+a%252Caps%252C404&sr=8-3 3:35 Wyart by Wyatt Jackson, Let's Talk Autism's Favorite Autistic Painter 7:51 ZPods Commercial 10:50 Autism News - Does Autism Begin in the Womb? https://neurosciencenews.com/idiopathic-asd-womb-20510/ 14:52 Autism News - ‘Tainted kids,’ other odd phrases cropping up in autism studies https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/tainted-kids-other-odd-phrases-cropping-up-in-autism-studies/ 17:26 Autism News - Top Companies Seek Workers With Autism https://www.disabilityscoop.com/2022/05/03/top-companies-seek-workers-with-autism/29836/ 21:13 Eva Lund, the Executive Director of Special Spirit Ranch Joins us! 23:31 Ideal Campers for Special Spirit Ranch 24:48 Where can we find you online? 28:50 Recovery at the Ranch 31:29 Author Dr. Wendela whitcomb Marsh Joins us 34:10 Women with Autism and Masking 39:30 Tips for Adult women seeking Autism Diagnosis 49:25 Dr. Marsh's Future book ideas 53:07 When people come to you, are there people who think that they are autistic that end up not being autistic. 59:08 Coming up on Autism Live Link Tree https://linktr.ee/AutismLive Pre-Order the book written by the host of Autism Live, Shannon Penrod! https://www.amazon.com/Autism-Parent-Sanity-Saving-Spectrum/dp/1949177858 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/autism-live/id827968203 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/autismlivepodcast Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0TXbDFs8cLP0UQbNVqHThf?si=VbEfw4_oRjqJY3vK2pgmFg IHeartRadio.com https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-autism-live-51537613/ Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Autism-Live-Podcast/B08JJN7B28?qid=1611965289&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=M68PFW27AP000G4N9CCJ Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/search/autism



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