How to say 'a lot of', 'enough of' and 'a bit of' in French!
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Beaucoup de or beaucoup du? Should you say beaucoup du or beaucoup de la ?? That is the question! Listen to this episode to master 'Beaucoup de' and impress the French!If you have any feedback about the quality of the episode (sound, pace, transcripts) show, feel free to reach out!Listen to the episode and head to https://speakfrenchavecmoi.com/beaucoup-de-or-beaucoup-du/ for the full FREE transcript! Would you do me a small favor? Please make sure to subscribe and share to help other listeners to find out about Speak French Avec moi!Merci et à bientôt,SéverineBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/french-speak-french-avec-moi--4468664/support.