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Happy 2024! We had lovely family times over the holidays and now, we are ready to celebrate the new year with you! Lots of fun tidbits here. Laura was blessed with an adorable new granddaughter, born a week before Christmas! She was almost 10 pounds! When this was announced in the delivery room, everyone- staff and family- gave a resounding, "Whoa!" All is well. Laura and her OH stayed up past midnight on New Year's Eve. Did you make it? Laura tells us that some people celebrate "Norwegian New Year's Eve!"Jean and her OH did a good deed! Jean was happy about this! As far as Resolutions, Laura plans to continue her "Wean to Lean" program in 2024. She also intends to start a core fitness routine and she's searching for a snappy name for this project. ("More core"???) Jean is going to focus on being an "OK Bloomer." We hope you cheer us on this year.Laura's millennial children informed her that we have been falsely accusing millennials of certain actions- which are actually being orchestrated by Gen Z! Well, well...We love to hear from you on Twitter and Instagram-@OK_BoomerPod Find out more at, or any podcast app and YouTube. Check out the perfect site for authors and podcasters!