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Hello friends! We decided to celebrate one of the first lovely spring days in #BeautifulOhio by sitting outside together, listening to the birds chirping merrily, and savoring the sunshine. (As we chat, you may also hear the sound of a gentle breeze or wind chime.)We are at the Gateway to Summer! Laura salutes Memorial Day, which you may also know as “Decoration Day”.Jean has been getting caught up with her doctors appointments. She chats about the cochlea, and Band-Aids. Laura shares another hearing aid story involving a weed sprayer, and her Other Half has an ingenious use for a snow shovel.Laura is excited about our “secret sisters’ plan” for Mother’s Day.And the best part of our show is a fabulous in-depth look at junk drawers.We would love to hear from you on Twitter and Instagram-@OK_BoomerPod. Find out more at or any podcast app and YouTube. Check out the perfect site for authors and podcasters!