Sister Drops Her Kids Off Due to an _Emergency_ But I Find Out On Social Media
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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #familydrama #toxicfamily #siblings #manipulation #secretlifeSummary: OP’s sister, known for manipulative behavior, leaves her kids with OP, claiming an emergency. OP later discovers via social media that the “emergency” was attending a child-free wedding, where her sister hides the fact that she’s a mother from her new boyfriend.Tags: redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, toxicfamilydynamics, siblingsaga, familydramaunfolds, narcissisticsibling, deceitrevealed, weddingdrama, parentinglies, siblingresentment, manipulativefamily, socialmediatruths, hiddenparenting, familybetrayal, favoritismeffects, familyconflict, truthuncoveredBecome a supporter of this podcast: