Family Begs Me to Keep Being the _Good Child_ and Mediate but After Years of
Om avsnittet
#redditstories #askreddit #aita #familydrama #boundaries #emotionalburden #toxicfamily #goodchildSummaryAfter years of taking on the emotional burden for her family, the “good child” reaches her limit. Her spoiled younger sister has been coddled, her mother is emotionally dependent, and she’s continually asked to mediate conflicts. Exhausted, she’s considering going low-contact for her own well-being.Tags redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, toxicfamilydynamics, familyboundaries, emotionalabuse, siblingrivalry, narcissisticparent, generationaltrauma, therapystory, goinglowcontact, breakingfree, selfishfamily, emotionalfreedom, redditconfessions, toxicrelationships, unsupportivefamily, selfworthBecome a supporter of this podcast: