Parents Abandoned Me at 14 at My Grandma's House for Being a 'freak' Due to My Medical Issues
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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #familydrama #inheritanceconflict #parentsbetrayal #mentalhealthawareness #forgivemeornotSummaryAfter being abandoned at 14 due to epilepsy, ADHD, and dyslexia, the narrator finds solace with their grandmother. Years later, their estranged parents demand financial help for their troubled brother. The narrator sets a condition: public acknowledgment of their past mistreatment. This ultimatum tests the limits of pride and familial responsibility.Tags redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, familydrama, inheritancedispute, medicalissues, parentsbetrayal, forgivenessjourney, siblingsrivalry, emotionalneglect, ADHDawareness, epilepsyawareness, financialconflict, troubledfamily, overcomingtrauma, mentalhealthadvocate, grandmasupport, ultimatumresponseBecome a supporter of this podcast: