My cheating wife nuked our 22-year marriage. I'm getting divorced and leaving the..
Om avsnittet
#redditstories #askreddit #aita #tifu #cheatingwife #divorce #familydrama #marriageissues50-Word SummaryA man shares the emotional journey of his 33-year marriage ending after discovering his wife’s affair during a difficult time for their family. Reflecting on the fallout, co-parenting challenges, and personal growth, he explains his decision to leave the country while his ex-wife faces the consequences of her actions.Tags redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, cheatingwife, marriageissues, familydrama, parentingchallenges, emotionalhealing, divorcejourney, infidelitystory, redditnarrative, copingwithbetrayal, personalgrowthstory, longtermrelationshipissues, socialmediaaffair, heartbreakjourney, coparentingstruggles, infidelityrecoveryBecome a supporter of this podcast: