Ex-husband Left Me for His Younger 'Work Wife' While I Was Pregnant, Now She Lost Their Baby and.
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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #relationships #divorceSummary:A 36-year-old woman shares her dramatic experience with her ex-husband, who left her while she was pregnant for a younger colleague. Despite moving on, the ex’s new partner, who recently lost their child, harasses her, while the ex-husband makes inappropriate advances. The situation is laced with toxic drama and unresolved tension.Tags:redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, cheatingex, toxicrelationships, workdrama, emotionalabuse, coparentingstruggles, infidelity, pregnancyproblems, divorceproblems, harassmentissues, exhusbanddrama, relationshipwoes, custodybattles, familydrama, toxicmarriage, lifeafterdivorce4oBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/reddit-stories--6237355/support.