Jealous Stepdaughter Secretly Fed Me Peanuts on Our Honeymoon, Sending Me to the ER. Now She's.
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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #familydrama #stepdaughterissues #toxicrelationships #honeymoonchaos #cruelprankSummaryA stepmother, 44, recounts her honeymoon turned nightmare when her jealous stepdaughter, 18, secretly fed her peanuts, causing a severe allergic reaction. After the ER ordeal, the stepdaughter faces backlash as her father cuts her off financially, leading her to threaten dropping out of college. The family tension intensifies.Tags redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, familydrama, toxicrelationships, cruelprank, honeymoonchaos, peanutallergy, stepmotherstepdaughterconflict, collegefundcutoff, familyfeud, allergicreaction, parentingstruggles, blendedfamilyissues, stepfamilydrama, marriagechallenges, toxicbehavior, stepparentproblems4oBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/reddit-stories--6237355/support.