Parents Gave My Sister $400k for Her Wedding as a Gift, Offered to Pay for Mine but Then Sent Me..
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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #familydrama #weddinggifts #favoritism #cuttingties #siblingsconflictBrief Summary:A woman’s parents gifted her sister $400,000 for her wedding but invoiced her for her own wedding expenses two days after offering to pay. After paying, she cut contact with her parents, leading to her sister screaming at her doorstep. Years of favoritism led to this breaking point.Tags:redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, weddingfavoritism, goldenchildsyndrome, familydrama, siblingconflict, toxicparents, weddingexpenses, favoritismissues, nofamilycontact, sisterdrama, familyfavoritism, siblingrivalry, weddinggiftsaga, toxicfamilydynamics, familybetrayal, siblingrelationshipsBecome a supporter of this podcast: