Parents Made Me Quit School to Be Unpaid Nanny for Little Brother, So I Ran Away. Mom Now Stalking.
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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #familydrama #unpaidadulthood #parentalneglect #childcarestruggles #teenagerunawaySummaryA 15-year-old girl shares her harrowing story of being forced to quit school to act as an unpaid nanny for her younger brother. After running away, her mother begins stalking and threatening her with kidnapping. The teen reflects on her struggles with balancing childcare, AP classes, and her desire for independence.Tags redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, familydrama, unpaidadulthood, parentalneglect, teenagerstruggles, runawayteen, toxicparenting, childcareissues, APclasses, siblingresponsibilities, mentalhealthstruggles, teensurvivalstory, homeschoolingnightmare, momsworkhours, stalkingthreats, emotionalabuseBecome a supporter of this podcast: