Rich Parents Neglected 'Nerdy' Son His Whole Life, Denied Him Basic Needs - Now His Successful..
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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #familydrama #toxicparents #nerdrevenge #techsuccess #selfmade /SummaryA neglected son rises above his rich parents' disdain, building a thriving tech business. After years of estrangement, they return begging for a stake in his success, but he refuses, reflecting on their scornful upbringing and misplaced blame. Empowered by triumph, he finally takes a stand against their toxic influence.Tags redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, toxicparents, techsuccess, nerdyrevenge, familydrama, neglectfulparents, richparentfail, estrangedfamily, familybetrayal, techstartupsuccess, redditrauma, personalgrowth, selfmade, childhoodscars, financialindependence, familyregretsBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/reddit-stories--6237355/support.