Cheating Wife Was Furious When My Daughter Refused To Cover Up Her Terrible Affair With HIM.
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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #relationshipproblems #infidelity #cheatingwife #familydrama #depressionBrief SummaryA 33-year-old man shares the story of his wife’s drunken affair with strangers during a trip to Europe, the strain of her depression, and how their relationship deteriorated despite his support. Their marriage of two years, built on an 11-year relationship, faces turmoil as they attempt to navigate through betrayal and emotional wounds.Tags redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, cheatingwife, maritalissues, familydrama, depressionandrelationships, betrayalstory, onenightstandconfession, copingwithinfidelity, relationshipadvice, marriageproblems, mentalhealtheffects, trustissues, affairconfession, europeandisaster, healingfrombetrayal, emotionalturmoil4oBecome a supporter of this podcast: