After Finding Out My Wife Was Sleeping With Her Boss, I Sent a Revenge Cake to Her Office with
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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #survivinginfidelity #revengecake #cheatingwife #officeaffair #relationshipadviceSummaryAfter discovering his wife was sleeping with her boss, a 32-year-old man sent a revenge cake to her office featuring a picture of the two together. Married for five years, he’s seeking advice on navigating betrayal. Despite his efforts to share his story, platform restrictions blocked his post.SEO Tags redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, cheatingrevenge, survivinginfidelity, relationshipbetrayal, revengecake, marriageproblems, infidelitysupport, officeaffair, cheatingwife, relationshipadvice, marriageissues, betrayalhealing, codingsuccess, careerjourney, valuesmisalignment, navigatingbetrayalBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/reddit-stories--6237355/support.