Why Is My Affiliate Promotion Not Working?
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What do you do when you’ve signed up to promote an affiliate offer and it’s a total flop? That's exactly what happened to someone recently who wrote to me for advice. Here's my answer. LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Jeff Goins Tribe Writers Affiliate Launch: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/goinslaunch Subscribe in iTunes: http://www.mattmcwilliams/itunes Watch TheAffiliateGuy.TV at http://www.theaffiliateguy.tv How I Currently Make $3,874 a Week Without Creating a Single Product: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/watch Take our Affiliate Marketing Survey: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/affsurvey Ask Me a Question here: http://www.asktheaffiliateguy.com/ All our recommended affiliate programs: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/whatsup Your First 100 Affiliates Report: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/first100