What do You do if There is No Affiliate Program?
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What if you want to promote something but they don't have an affiliate program? The reality is that you have limited promotional space and you often have to stick to promoting things that make you money. Today I show you how to convince a company to start an affiliate program (It usually works!). LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Get swipe copy: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/noprogramswipe - no optin required Watch TheAffiliateGuy.TV: http://www.theaffiliateguy.tv How I Currently Make $3,874 a Week Without Creating a Single Product: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/watch Take our Affiliate Marketing Survey: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/affsurvey Ask Me a Question here: http://www.asktheaffiliateguy.com/ All our recommended affiliate programs: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/whatsup Your First 100 Affiliates Report: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/first100 Today’s episode is brought to you by No Product No Problem - Register for a preview and 3 free lessons at http://www.noproductnoproblem.com/samplelessons Your goal with the initial email is only to get them to talk, not convince them. Here’s an outline of what you’ll need to do over time - 1. Educate them on benefits 2. Help them - offer to be the guinea pig. 3. Give them a compelling reason 4. Intro them to others 5. Make it clear why it’s worth their time.