Key #6 to Closing More Affiliate Sales (Promote End-of-Launch Live Events)
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In this series of how to close more affiliate sales, today's secret was the most surprising to me. But it is also one of the most impactful. When I studied the optins for the top converters vs. the average or below average converters, I found that 13% of the top converters sales came DIRECTLY from links to live events such as webinars and AMAs. Only 5% of the below average converters' sales did. That's secret #6 and the topic of today's podcast. LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE EPM Email Swipe: Watch TheAffiliateGuy.TV: How I Currently Make $3,874 a Week Without Creating a Single Product: Ask Me a Question here: All our recommended affiliate programs: Your First 100 Affiliates Report: