Why is everyone switching to VS Code?

Why is everyone switching to VS Code?


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Scott and Wes talk about switching to VS Code. What is so good about it? Killer features? Must have Plugins! Sponsor Need to learn Docker? Check out Nick Janetakis' Dive into Docker course which is currently on sale! Follow us on twitter! Wes Bos Scott Tolinski Syntax Show Notes Cobalt2 for VS Code Visual Studio Code @rachsmithtweets 🔥 rename symbol tip - you should follow her too! Use F8 to cycle through inline errors Open the problems tab to see all your applications errors and warnings The built in debugger ESlint Package You can use the Prettier Package on it's own, or use via your .eslintrc file and just use the above ESLint plugin. Git History Git Lens Debugger for Chrome Color Highlight Settings: "editor.formatOnSave": true and "eslint.autoFixOnSave": true Wes' Current ESLint + Prettier Config Grumpy Developer Import Cost Path Intellisense npm Intellisense CSS Intellisense PHP Intellisense Another PHP Intellisense Custom CSS and JS Loader Cobalt2 Theme Material Theme Material Pale Night Theme Version Lens for npm Project Manager ⌘ + # Tabs Key Bindings Scott's VS Code Series on YouTube Sublime Keymap for VS Code ES6 Absolute Imports with Webpack Sick Picks Scott: Moonwalking with Einstein Wes: Yeti Rambler Wes: Ozark Trail 20oz Scott outdoes Wes by 3oz: Bottl Shameless Plugs Level Up Tuts - check out scott's new shopping cart! Wes' Courses Stickers are coming!




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