Episode 137 USCG Crew, The Rescue of Capsized Boat in Astoria
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In this episode of The Real ResQ, we get a full debrief by the entire crew of USCG 6009, PIC Will Sirokman, SIC Tripp Haas, Flight Mech Joe Ivy, Flight Mech Kyle Turcotte, and RS1032 Branch Walton. These men were the crew that responded to the vessel crushed by a huge wave, capsizing the vessel and tossing the survivor around like a rag doll. Will, Tripp, Joe, and Kyle were taking a look at weather and sea state when the call came in. A radio call back to base for a Rescue Swimmer, it was Branch who won a game of rock-paper-scissors to jump on the helo for his very first rescue mission. Arriving on scene, they watched as the USCG 47’ motor lifeboats did everything they could in the large seas to assist the helpless mariner. After about twenty minutes, the decision was made to put Branch into the water. The plan was simple. Swim over to the vessel, get the mariner into the water, and extract him to safety. However, when a large breaking wave came barreling down on them, capsizing the vessel and sending the mariner into the tumultuous sea, plans changed. Quick thinking of the crew made the fast adjustments to get the Rescue Swimmer and the survivor to safety adding to another life saved. Enjoy! https://therealresq.com/home https://www.facebook.com/therealresq https://www.instagram.com/therealresq Thank you for sponsoring this episode of The Real ResQ; Breeze-Eastern, https://www.breeze-eastern.com/ Axnes, https://www.axnes.com/ SR3 Rescue Concepts, https://sr3rescueconcepts.com Airwaav, https://airwaav.com/ VersaLifts https://vlifts.com/