Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Live Well with Chronic Pain Dr. Liza Leal
Om episode
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minte interview with Dr. Liza Leal. Dr. Leal knows first-hand the devastation of chronic pain and that restoration IS possible. While in medical school she developed Rheumatoid Arthritis causing her to be wheel chair bound, potentially derailing her medical career. Today, Dr. Leal is a national speaker, author, motivator and Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder of Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare in Sugar Land, Texas. Her medical expertise and personal experience enables her to treat her patients with unique insight into their needs and struggles. As a result, she challenges, educates and motivates her patients, readers and audience to enthusiastically take action. As an avid aviator, she combines her series of teachings as a flight plan to help healthcare professionals keep interest and motivation throughout their journey. Liza's website is this week Q&A includes: • lipomas may come about to store persistent organic pollutants- whatever you do to get rid of them, they will come back worse.. • colon cancer that has spread- cancer does not make you feel bad- cancer treatment does... • the wise woman never asks why- voice of the victim and voice of the empowered victim... • the tiniest parts of ourselves can highjack the show- when we can take care of them, we can make lasting change... • holographic healing... • bladder incontinence and relaxation... • gallbladder removed, experiencing reflux and hiatal hernia- comfrey, slippery elm... • canker sores and bone loss in mouth- hypericum oil and yarrow tincture..