Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Goddess Wisdom Rev. Judith Laxer
Om episode
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Rev. Judith Laxer. Originally from New York, Judith Laxer moved west in 1989. She took her lifelong interest and study in psychic phenomena and metaphysics and began the professional transition from a career in the Performing Arts to one in Spirituality. On the Summer Solstice in 1992, Judith became a licensed, Ordained SHES (Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards) Minister. Since then, she has created and officiated at countless ceremonies and rituals as a Minister and Priestess. As a teacher, Judith has been creating and leading classes, workshops and programs in spiritual development, Goddess consciousness, and psychic awareness since 1993, as part of her private practice and at spirituality conferences and gatherings nationally. Judith enjoys a successful private practice that includes spiritual counseling, psychic Tarot readings,certified Hypnotherapy, Teaching, Reiki, and Shamanic healing practices. Her ministry is growing as she provides monthly Goddess Worship Services in Gaia's Temple. this episode Q&A includes: • one quart infusion for single person, two quart for pregnant woman, three quarts for lactating woman.. • comfrey leaf infusion made with a pinch of mint drunk either iced or hot with honey.. • sinus headaches- clothes pins on toe tips, ice technique.. • propagating skullcap and lobelia.. • why is fasting a BAD idea? • olive olive oil or coconut treatment for dry hair.. • crones wort and high CBD :)