Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Intuitive Energy Demetria Manuselis
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Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Demetria Manuselis. Demetria is a certified intuitive energy practitioner and facilitator. She hosted the "Soul Freedom Summit" a series that featured 24 guests including well renowned Hay House author and podcaster Davidji, Wayne Dyer's favorite healer Mira Kelley, E! entertainment host Pirie Jones, and Best-Selling Author Morgana Rae. Her mission is to inspire and light the fire of transformation in the heart of humanity individually and collectively awakening from the dream of "themselves" into the divinity of "ourselves" by assisting us in releasing belief systems and paradigms that no longer match the eternal guiding principle of the soul's wisdom. She has theta healing, advanced theta healing, and Angel Alchemy certifications. She is a daughter of Greek immigrants and she has a background as an investigator, which gave her enormous capacity to understand and transcend the various entrapments of the ego and victim consciousness and discover the divine genius and true power of the soul. this episode Q&A includes: • harmful effects of essential oils and multilevel marketing- how can anyone get ahead by ripping others off? • severe dry eyes- eyes are the opening to the liver- burdock, yellowdock, dandelion, thistle, chicory.. • 1 year old with long term cough- safe and soothing, note harsh and irritating.. • propolis is the effective part of pine- safe and effective.. • ovarian cancer rarely starts in the ovaries.. • harvest poke after at least 3 yrs growth and in the with after all green has died.. • how does lyme get into our systems- how long does it take? • got bit by a tick- astragalus, Saint Joan's Wort..