Om episode
Nate and Danny discuss what we love about basketball, from why we got into covering the sport, what we love most about playing and analyzing the game, and pick our favorite ever games, teams, players, in-game situations, best personal basketball moment, and favorite basketball memory ever. Then in a short addendum, it’s back to reality and Nate shares some ideas the Dunc’d On community could implement to help mitigate the spread of coronavirus however we can. You can subscribe by searching “Dunc’d On” on your favorite podcast player. And if you like this pod and want additional bonus content, please subscribe to support Nate and Danny at Merchandise available at, sponsors list also available at With Nate Duncan (@NateDuncanNBA and Danny Leroux @DannyLeroux). Subscribe to Dunc’d On Prime, the only place to get every episode with Nate & Danny, plus every pod with John Hollinger & Nate as well! DuncdOn.SupportingCast.FMSubscribe on YouTube to see our hilarious faces and, more importantly, see watch this free pod twice a week.Or, sign up for our FREE mailing list to get Dan Feldman's Daily Duncs with all the major topics around the league twice a week.