Om episode
In the autumn of 2011, a teenage girl from North Ogden, a quaint suburb in Utah, suddenly disappeared under mysterious circumstances while fulfilling her babysitting duties at a nearby household. As authorities delved into the unsettling case, their quest for answers would ultimately thrust them into the sordid and depraved realm of drugs and predators.SPONSORS -Zocdoc: Thank you to Zocdoc for sponsoring this episode! Zocdoc is the only free app that lets you find and book doctors who are patient reviewed, take your insurance & are available when you need them. To find a & book a top rated doctor today, visit: NOTES - https://www.morbidology-the-podcast-207-alexis-rasmussenPATREON - Credit:Evening of Chaos - Kevin MacLeod ( Reflections - ErikMMusic - Mothers Sacrifice - OurMusicBox - Tranquility - Anno Domini Beats - a supporter of this podcast: