BBC Inside Science
A weekly programme that illuminates the mysteries and challenges the controversies behind the science that's changing our world.
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584 episoder

Earth's Core; What Can Chemistry Do for Us?; Ocean Acidification; Darwin Day
2015-02-12 • 28min

Goshawk, Cosmic Renaissance, Carl Djerassi and Charles Townes
2015-02-05 • 27min

Climate change belief; Anthropocene era; Eyes on the sea; Origins of multicellular life
2015-01-29 • 27min

GMOs; International Year of Light; Coral health
2015-01-22 • 27min

International Year of Soils
2015-01-15 • 27min

Venus mission, Science highlights for 2015, Sonotweezers, Tsunami 10 years on
2015-01-08 • 27min

Listeners' Science Questions
2015-01-01 • 27min

Microplastics; Holey Ice; Vesalius; Overeating
2014-12-18 • 27min

Water on Comets; DNA in Space; Sounds of the Ocean; Science in Fashion
2014-12-11 • 27min

Orion Launch; Fake Mars trip; XDNA; Richard the Third's skeleton
2014-12-04 • 27min

Campylobacter in Chicken; Artificial Intelligence Guru Demis Hassabis; Sexology; Lucy
2014-11-27 • 27min

Comet landing detects organics molecules; Lunar Mission One; Biological warfare
2014-11-20 • 27min

Rosetta; Thought-controlled genes; Biophonic Life; Arecibo message 40 years on
2014-11-13 • 28min

Science of ageing; Microneedles; Firelab; Rosetta; Scientific authorship
2014-11-06 • 28min

The Making of the Moon
2014-10-30 • 28min

Hobbit; Genetics of height; Solar science; Snails
2014-10-23 • 27min

Ebola; Ada Lovelace Day; Space Weather
2014-10-16 • 27min

Nobel Prizes 2014; Gauge; Genetics and Diabetes; UK Fungus Day
2014-10-09 • 28min

Women, Science and the Royal Society; Open Access Research
2014-10-02 • 27min

Cosmic inflation latest; Indian space success; Science and language; Wax Venus
2014-09-25 • 27min

European ancestry; Cern is 60; Graphene plasters; Penguins
2014-09-18 • 27min

Jack the Ripper; Future of Scottish science
2014-09-11 • 38min

Bardarbunga volcano; Geology in Minecraft; Synthesising opioids; Ammonia
2014-09-04 • 31min

Manipulating mouse memory; London pollution; Nature of knowing; Snail fur
2014-08-28 • 28min

TB in the New World; Trusting Wikipedia; Shipwreck of the London; @LegoAcademics
2014-08-21 • 28min

Anaesthesia; Chilean earthquakes; Strange weather; Jellyfish
2014-08-14 • 28min

New dinosaur; GM chickens; Lightning; Rosetta; Diatoms
2014-08-07 • 27min

ExpeRimental; Rosetta; MOOCs
2014-07-31 • 27min

Science's fascination with the face
2014-07-24 • 27min

A special programme on plants and their pollinators, poisons and pests
2014-07-17 • 28min

Behavioural profiling at airports; Light and colour in art; Hadrian's Wall; Cassini
2014-07-10 • 28min

Informed consent, El Nino, Gravitational Waves, Cloud cover
2014-07-03 • 28min

Longitude Prize Winner; Solar cells; New species; Fiji fisherwomen; Physics questions
2014-06-26 • 28min

Antarctic Invaders; Patents; Longitude Challenges for Water and Antibiotics
2014-06-19 • 28min

Turing test; World Cup exo-skeleton; Plant cyborgs; Music hooks
2014-06-12 • 28min

Moving Mountains; Invasive Species; Football Stickers
2014-06-05 • 27min

Women scientists; Mapping the ocean floor; Amplituhedron
2014-05-29 • 29min

Longitude Prize 2014; Dementia; Matter from light; Coastal deposition
2014-05-22 • 28min

Antarctic melt; brain enhancing devices, atomic clocks and anti-bat moth sounds
2014-05-15 • 28min

Colin Pillinger; Fire? Artificial DNA
2014-05-08 • 27min

Mice & Men; Fuel from CO2; fRMI; Insect calls
2014-05-01 • 28min

Y chromosome; Everest avalanche; Aphid survey; Longitude
2014-04-24 • 28min

Sperm and egg; Dogs; Automatic Facebook; Invasive species
2014-04-17 • 28min

Whales; Dark Matter; Falling; Arty brains
2014-04-10 • 28min

Calorie Restriction; Moon Age; Mars Yard; IPCC.
2014-04-03 • 27min

Fracking; Purple GM tomatoes; Bionic humans; Shark attacks
2014-03-27 • 28min

Cosmic inflation; LISA; Photonic radar; Bird stress camera; Water research; Taxidermy
2014-03-20 • 28min

Tracking planes; Peer review; Mega-virus; Astronaut
2014-03-13 • 28min

LG - Chemical weapons, Turtles, Tech for wildlife, Climate
2014-03-06 • 28min

Brain Machine Interfaces; Question on Gay Genes; Studying Drinking Behaviour
2014-02-27 • 27min