Om episode
It's been asked over and over again, Alison Bird challenges this but also lists many reasons as to why she doesn't leave. References within the interview: Alice Ruggles clip- Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft The Femicide 10-year report on men’s fatal violence against women in the UK 2008 - 2018 @FemicideCensus Alison Bird was Services Director and Clinical Lead for Stalking at Changing Pathways and is now Training and Best Practice Lead at Changing Pathways. Changing Pathways is an Essex-based charity supporting victims of stalking and domestic abuse. Alison has worked nationally and locally with stalking/domestic abuse survivors for over a decade and was one of the first established & accredited Independent Stalking Advocacy Case Workers (ISACs) in the UK. She is a leading expert in the stalking field and specialises in supporting & advocating for high risk stalking victims/survivors. As well as the general public, this has included MPs and other high profile figures. Alison is a Visiting Senior Fellow for Social Policy at University of Suffolk and in 2021 will soon be releasing our first joint piece of work in my role as Fellow…. A speaker at national conferences, Alison also trains the police, Crown Prosecution Service, social care, statutory & non-statutory agencies and workplaces to enhance the understanding and the assessment of risks around stalking, domestic abuse and coercive control. She was part of the consultation with key stakeholders & MPs for both the Stalking Protection Orders 2020 and the long awaited Domestic Abuse Draft Bill. As part of the National Stalking Consortium she & her peers influence policy & policy makers on stalking matters. In 2017 Alison was one of the expert panel members, as well as a critical reader, for the HMICs high profile inspection ‘Living in Fear’ examining how police and CPS were responding to stalking victims 5 years after the legislation was brought in. The inspection showed there is still a long way to go before agencies fully understand what stalking is and how to respond to victims appropriately. Alison is keenly interested in the link between trauma experienced by domestic abuse and stalking survivors - both children and adults - and this is reflected in her trauma-perceptive approach. As a trained Domestic Homicide Chair the theme of trauma is paramount in all Domestic Homicide Reviews. Alison continues to work passionately to educate all key organisations and advocates for victims and survivors of some of society’s most serious yet underestimated crimes. Despite protective legislation, training, sentencing guidelines and an increasing crime profile, victims are still too often let down by the system. Abuse Talk Podcast currently offers a series of interviews with those that work in the domestic abuse sector. Getting an inside feel for what its really like in their job role and sharing it with all of you. Now mixing with survivor stories. Don't forget you can respond to this episode by leaving a voice message on Anchor, get in touch if you have any queries. Our website: My website: Changing Pathways: Contact: 01268 729707 / 0330 333 4 777