Om episode
Tracy Rector served as executive producer on her first foray into independent film with No Ordinary Love. She reached out to young filmmaker, Chyna Robinson, to write and direct a film on Intimate Partner Violence. Tracy served for seven years on the board of directors for SafeHaven of Tarrant County (Texas), the area’s only domestic violence shelter and service agency. Her experience on the board and as a survivor of a 23-year marriage with intimate partner violence drove her passion to raise awareness of domestic violence through film. No Ordinary Love is represented by 1091 Pictures and will be released on VOD June 15, 2021. *** Abuse Talk Podcast currently offers a series of interviews with those that work in the domestic abuse sector. Getting an inside feel for what its really like in their job role and sharing it with all of you. Now mixing with survivor stories. Don't forget you can respond to this episode by leaving a voice message on Anchor, get in touch if you have any queries. Our website: My website: No Ordinary Love's Website: Instagram: @NoOrdinaryLoveMovie Facebook: @NoOrdinaryLoveMovie Twitter: @NOLMovie IMDb: 1091 Pictures: