063 = Meta Magic Squares and Fire Hose Care

063 = Meta Magic Squares and Fire Hose Care


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In THIS episode... 🔲 Is it possible to make a magic square of magic squares where each cell is the magic constant of another magic square? 📜 Bec becomes a document detective! 🚨 It's a New York Alert 💼 What's in the briefcase today? ❓AND a big muppet reveal. You can find the Magic Square of Magic Squares here (It's the second one on the page): https://inderjtaneja.com/2022/02/10/100-magic-squares-of-order-42-with-numbers-00-99/ Here's the original Numperphile video 'Magic Squares of Squares (are PROBABLY impossible)': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdsj84UdeYg&ab_channel=Numberphile  The Firehose Specifications Document can be viewed here (It can't be real, right?): https://ifunny.co/picture/australian-government-fire-hose-spfcifications-all-hose-is-to-be-PDLNwbBZA?s=cl  Now you know, which muppets Bec and Matt are - tell us, which Muppet are YOU? And send in your CONEY ISLAND related problems to the Problem Posing Page:  www.aproblemsquared.com, or on social media @aproblemsquared. If you want to sponsor the podcast,  head on over to our Patreon page. You can can find that here: https://www.patreon.com/aproblemsquared




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