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94 avsnitt
2A Lifestyle

EP 44 Talking with Ron about the NRA and holiday stuff

2020-11-232h 22s
2A Lifestyle

EP 43 Talking with TacCat about SHOT Show and the Election

2020-11-091h 41min
2A Lifestyle

EP 42 Is this Halloween or just 2020?

2A Lifestyle

EP 41 Launching with Rocket City Stippling

2020-10-121h 30min
2A Lifestyle

EP 40 What we know about PSA's new buy and the upcoming hearing about the SCOTUS nominee

2020-09-291h 7min
2A Lifestyle

EP 39 The Deets about Self Defense Insurance

2020-09-201h 32min
2A Lifestyle

EP 38 Kenosha Kyle and NRA Josh

2020-09-081h 12min
2A Lifestyle

EP 37 Meme Lord Shooters and Standard Capacity Magazines

2020-08-251h 3min
2A Lifestyle

EP 36Are we seeing the end of the NRA/

2020-08-101h 3min
2A Lifestyle

EP 35 To reload or not to reload that is the question?

2020-07-271h 17min
2A Lifestyle

EP 34 Is that You Rona?

2020-07-091h 7min
2A Lifestyle

Ep 33 SCOTUS and how the world is changing for Gun Owners.

2020-06-231h 20min
2A Lifestyle

EP 32 As a 2A LEO

2A Lifestyle

EP31 Dont tread on me eh? (Special GUest TacCat and talk about Canada)

2020-05-111h 36min
2A Lifestyle

EP 30 Tearing down the wall with Cold War Concealment

2020-04-271h 16min
2A Lifestyle

EP 29 Can I get those Hollow Points with that?

2A Lifestyle

EP 28 Quarantining with Mantis X

2020-04-011h 27min
2A Lifestyle

EP 27 My, My, My Corona! (How the corona virus is effecting the gun community)

2020-03-201h 1min
2A Lifestyle

EP 26 Oh Canada, Oh you BA (gun rights victories for once)

2A Lifestyle

EP 25 The Gun Control Sh*t Sandwich

2A Lifestyle

EP 24 THE PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!

2A Lifestyle

Ep 23 Virginia Rally Day!!!

2A Lifestyle

Ep 22 Christmas Edition! (Interview with Sons of Liberty Gunwroks)

2019-12-241h 1min
2A Lifestyle

EP 21 Explosions and Boom Booms (Talking to Texas Machine Gun and Ordinance)

2019-12-092h 7min
2A Lifestyle

EP 20 Thanksgiving Episode (Interview with Roger Wang of Forward Control Designs)

2019-11-251h 46min
2A Lifestyle

EP 19 Interview with Ash Hess Of Quantified Performance (what it takes to set up a match and be successful)

2019-11-111h 48min
2A Lifestyle

EP 18 Halloween/Tin Foil Hat edition. We discuss how private digital companies are farming your firearm data.

2019-10-281h 22min
2A Lifestyle

EP 17 Ton of news and my realization of why in the heck hasn't gun rights groups and cannabis groups haven't gotten together yet???

2019-10-141h 10min
2A Lifestyle

The sh*t sandwhich (local, state and national push for guntrol), Karen's, and the last blood.

2A Lifestyle

EP 15 The strange times we are in (Gun Control, Robert O'Rourke, and Walmart)

2A Lifestyle

EP 14 All hail our father John Moses Browning (little history of Browning), new Army rifles, and a DIY project for your Howard Leights

2A Lifestyle

EP 13 Wish you weren't so f'ing awkward bud (being cross eyed dominant and another NRA scandal)

2019-08-191h 55s
2A Lifestyle

EP 12 Red flag laws and the gun control onslaught and what we as gun owners can do

2A Lifestyle

EP 11 NRA BOD compacency, Bama Sheriffs messing up NICS checks and Car Holsters (Don't, JUST DON'T!!!!)

2019-07-291h 2min
2A Lifestyle

EP 10 NRA, Area 51, and...........Hick Hop??????

2A Lifestyle

EP 9 27 words, the Second Amendment (Fourth of July Edition)

2019-07-011h 3min
2A Lifestyle

YEET YEET! Interview with Hi Point Marketing Rep about yeetgate 2019

2019-06-241h 20min
2A Lifestyle

Ep 7 That's a Big Texas sized 10-4, pitter patter (All about that range life)

2019-06-171h 9min
2A Lifestyle

EP 6 Is appendix carrying a High Point uncomfortable? (Traveling while conceal carrying)

2019-06-031h 10min
2A Lifestyle

Ep 5 That's my purse, I don't know you? (How to keep yourself from being a target)

2019-05-201h 12min
2A Lifestyle

Ep 4 Fight the Power! (aka laPierre)

2A Lifestyle

WTH is wrong with the NRA???

2019-04-211h 16min
2A Lifestyle

EP 2 How big is it???? (that's what she said)

2019-04-111h 9min
2A Lifestyle

The Inaugural Eipisode

2019-03-241h 2min



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